Sunday, July 8, 2012

Breakfast Quesadillas with Casamiento (aka Gallo Pinto)

2 eggs
4 tortillas
2 tablespoons butter
Pico de gallo
Left oer rice and beans (about a 1/2 cup of beans and a cup of rice)
Shredded cheese
Salt and Pepper
Garlic powder

Casamiento (also known as Gallo Pinto) is a great way to use up left over rice and beans. It is served typically for breakfast, but I have eaten it at all times of the day.

Casamiento means marriage and it refers to the joining together of black beans and white rice. In Costa Rica, this is also called Gallo Pinto. Different places have different names for variations on this same dish. 

Super easy and quick, you need one egg per person you are feeding. 

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan and add pico de gallo. You can use as much as you'd like. Let the pico cook for a few minutes. 

Add left over beans and rice. 

Stir. Add salt, pepper and garlic powder. Stir and let it cook on low heat while you're making the eggs. 

For the eggs, you can make regular scrambled eggs. This morning, I made a kind of omelet that I cut up. I started by melting 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan. 

I cracked two eggs in a bowl and added milk, salt, pepper and garlic powder. The milk helps to make the eggs fluffy. You can use water if you don't have milk. Scramble the eggs. 

When the butter melts in the pan, add the eggs. Tilt the pan back and forth so the egg covers the entire bottom of the pan. 

Flip the egg over and cook the other side. 

Chop up the eggs. You will divide this into four portions to make the four quesadillas. Set the eggs aside.

Heat a tortilla in a pan on one side. 

Flip the tortilla over and add shredded cheese. When the cheese starts to melt, add some egg. 

Fold the tortilla in half and keep it warm in a comal or wrap it in a clean dish rag. 

Serve two quesadillas per person with a scoop of the Casamiento. 

To make the Casamiento hold it's shape, fill a measuring cup with the mixture and then turn it over onto the plate. 


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